A high-level European vote on communications legislation will take place on Monday evening, raising fears that alleged file-sharers will be denied internet access by their internet…

« ZeroPaid is reporting that ISPs could be turned into the copyright police through European legislation that received a number of ‘intellectual property’ amendments. Many of these amendments can be found here. Judging by the amendments,…

Yes, everybody’s trying to punish the “bloody” pirates, who don’t give a damn about copyright policies and do their best to share information with other Internet consumers.

In an article published today in “Le Monde”, they…

Le 5 juin dernier, Eben Moglen, professeur de droit de l’université de Columbia à New-York, nous a fait l’honneur de venir nous parler sur le thème Culture et Internet.

The EFF points us to new disturbing demands by the French version of the RIAA known as SNEP (Syndicat national de l’édition phonographique). Among the demands are a deadline for laws to be put in…

A recently published and adopted report from the EU Parliament throws a long-awaited crumb of comfort to the beleaguered European ISP community, braced for legal assault over issues of electronic content copyright.

So what? you may…

The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) has said the amendment was badly drafted and a contradiction to the contents of the full report.

« We look forward to a full discussion…

People should not be criminalised for the file-sharing of copyrighted material if they are not profiting from doing so, the European Parliament has recommended.

People should not be criminalised for the file-sharing of copyrighted material if they are not profiting from doing so, the European Parliament has recommended.

PARIS — Prodded by the music industry and government, some Internet service providers are reluctantly exploring the adoption of a shunning ritual as 21st century punishment: banishing errant online users.

But even as service providers test…