[WashingtonPost] A lawyer rewrote Instagram’s terms of use ‘in plain English’ so kids would know their privacy rights

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[WashingtonPost] A lawyer rewrote Instagram’s terms of use ‘in plain English’ so kids would know their privacy rights

[…] Members of “Generation Z” can spend up to nine hours a day sharing photos on Instagram, consuming “content” on YouTube and talking to friends on Snapchat. (Just don’t ask them to get excited about Facebook.)

But how much do these teens understand what they’ve agreed to give up when they start an account with those sites ? […]

Most of those children have no idea what their privacy rights are, despite all of them agreeing to terms and conditions before starting their social media accounts, Afia said. The task force, which included experts from the public and private sector, worked for a year and released its report Wednesday. […]
