Personal Data

La Quadrature du Net fights against the commodification of our personal data: so that no business or State may spy on our behaviour and manipulate us for commercial or political ends, especially by choosing what advertising and information we receive. It fights to prevent any decision about our lives (work, credit, study, etc.) from being taken automatically on the basis of these data.

Complaints against the GAFAM

On 28 May 2018, together with 12,000 people, we filed a complaint before the CNIL against GAFAM (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft). These complaints demand that GAFAM cease to make us pay for their services with our freedoms. Our freedom of conscience, when they seek to manipulate us automatically and individually. Our privacy and our intimacy, without which we cannot build ourselves. As of now, the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) forbids paying for a service with personal data.

  • Our article about the first sanction against Amazon (July 2021)
  • Our article about the first sanction against Google (January 2019)
  • Our announcement about filing the complaints (28 May 2018)
  • The complaints filed against Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Linkedin (licence CC-0) [FR]
  • Our campaign site, with explanatory video and texts

ePrivacy Regulation

The European Union has undertaken the review of our protection of our electronic communications by adopting a Regulation called “ePrivacy”. Although it could have added to the protection of our freedoms, it is on its way to authorise spying on our communications, geolocating us, and tracking of our online activities without our consent.

  • Our campaign site to clarify what is at stake with this text
  • Our summary of the debate in the European Parliament (November 2017)
  • The text adopted by the European Parliament (October 2017)
  • The Regulation as proposed by the European Commission (January 2017)


On 25 May 2018 the GDPR came into force in the entire European Union. We were actively involved in its development during the parliamentary debates from 2013, in order to repel the aggressive demands of the data industry and to reinforce the protection of our data.

  • The GDPR
  • Our reaction to the European Parliament adopting its version of the GDPR (March 2014)
  • LobbyPlag, a friendly site identifying the documents of the lobbyists we had to deal with
  • One of our first articles on the notion of explicit consent (May 2013)
  • Our first article on the GDPR(January 2013)