Open letter calling for a global ban on biometric recognition technologies that enable mass and discriminatory surveillance

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La Quadrature du Net is a signatory of an international open letter, signed by more than 170 worldwide associations and written by EDRi, Access Now, Amnesty International, Human Right Watch, Internet Freedom Foundation (IFF), et l’Instituto Brasileiro de Defesa do Consumidor (IDEC).

We, the undersigned, call for an outright ban on uses of facial recognition and remote biometric recognition technologies that enable mass surveillance and discriminatory targeted surveillance. These tools have the capacity to identify, follow, single out, and track people everywhere they go, undermining our human rights and civil liberties — including the rights to privacy and data protection, the right to free assembly and association, freedom of expression, and the rights to equality and non-discrimination.

These uses of facial and remote biometric recognition technologies, by design, threaten people’s rights and have already caused significant harm. No technical or legal safeguards could ever fully eliminate the threat they pose, and we therefore believe they should never be allowed in public or publicly accessible spaces, either by governments or the private sector.

Read the full letter here

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