International support for La Quadrature du Net

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Paris, April 28, 2008 The French organization “La Quadrature du Net” (Squaring the Net) is pleased to announce the support of 15 French, European and international organizations.These organizations join La Quadrature du Net in their fight to prevent a possible law, that would ban internet access for presumed copyright-infringing users.

They fear that france could use its upcoming presidency of the European Council to push europe towards such a directive and therefore back into a digital medieval age.

The support unites french digital rights organizations with independent creators and supporters from countries such as Denmark, Germany,Spain, UK and US as well as international organizations.

In a recent letter to the prime minister La Quadrature du Net asked the prime minister not to respond to a motion by cultural minister Christine Albanel, as the three-strike-law has recently been rejected by the european Parliament. The Letter also asks to prolong the “Assises du Numériques”, a symposium on issues of the digital age.

“The event is very badly prepared : the program changes every day as well as the discussion method and the objectives exposed on the web site.And claiming to collect and analyze contributions of stakeholders between June and July is specious” summarizes Christophe Espern, Co-Founder of the organization.”Nothing would be worse than a sham dialogue to try to justify highly controversial existing projects afterwards.”

The recording industry had recently explained to the International Herald Tribune, that Nicolas Sarkozy was his best spokesperson. “It seems clear, that the copyright industry wants to push on the French
Presidency to turn the “country of human rights” to an example, making it the first country to adopt such a three-strike-law. France should not become the Trojan Horse for retrograde lobbyists”. says Christophe Espern.

See also

Will France Introduce the Digital Guillotine in Europe?

Digital Economy : head or tail ?

European Parliament rejects graduated response

Press contact

Christophe Espern – +33 6 98 17 45 99 – contact (at)

Don’t hesistate to contact us regarding any question.