The European Parliament is in the process of writing an own-initiative report in response to the Commission’s communication on “enhancing the enforcement of intellectual property rights”.

The Spanish government just announced a new bill that would grant an administrative body –the Commission for Intellectual Property– the power to order the take down or blocking of websites that “allow or facilitate”…

Dear ACTA Secret Committee

Your actions regarding the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) have garnered the attention of us, the internauts.

Yet again, despite all the secrecy and bogus claims of “national security,” the details behind what’s being proposed in ACTA have leaked, and they don’t look good at all. It’s basically an attempt to force…

Secretive international trade negotiations intended to clamp down on counterfeiting risk undermining the openness and innovation-friendly nature of the Internet, said EuroISPA, a trade group representing Europe’s Internet service providers (ISPs), on Monday. If the…

Paris, November 26th 2009 – La Quadrature is calling on European citizens to submit questions aimed at finding out where the next European Commission (2010-2014) stands on EU citizens’ fundamental freedoms on the Internet.

The Council…

Die Verhandlungsführer des geplanten Anti Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) sind sich laut einer Mitteilung aus dem Büro des US-Handelsbeauftragten einig, das umkämpfte Anti-Piraterie-Abkommen”2010 so früh wie möglich” zu verabschieden. Ihr nächstes Treffen haben die Delegierten…

La Quadrature du Net’s response to the European Commission’s communication on “Enhancing the enforcement of intellectual property rights in the internal market”
COM(2009) 467

Paris, November 12th, 2009 – Since Spring 2008, The European Union, the United States, Japan, Canada, South Korea, Australia as well as a few other countries have been negotiating a trade treaty aimed at enforcing…