Yesterday, La Quadrature du Net sent its submission to the European Commission’s questionnaire on Net neutrality.

There’s some movement in the U.S. network neutrality debates under a rather dry heading: “Further Inquiry Into Two Under-Developed Issues in the Open Internet Proceeding.”

[…] a couple weeks ago Google and Verizon announced a…

A network neutrality policy proposed recently by industry giants Google and Verizon not only sparked controversy here in the United States, but the news is making waves internationally as well.

Pro-neutrality groups […] blasted the proposal…

Four members of Congress bashed a “net neutrality” proposal made by Google and Verizon, calling on US regulators to find their own way to insure all data is treated equally online.

The lawmakers condemned any paid…

Oui à la neutralité des réseaux, mais certains réseaux peuvent être plus neutres que les autres : c’est en substance le contenu de la “proposition législative”, faite par Google et l’opérateur américain Verizon, sur la…

El fiscal del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Madrid destaca que es innecesaria una gobernanza en Internet

With the majority of Internet traffic expected to shift to congestion-prone mobile networks, there is growing debate on both sides of the Atlantic about whether operators of the networks should be allowed to treat Web…

One after the other, leaked documents unveil the truth regarding the negotiations of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA). Public comments focus on specific points or nuances in the positions of the various negotiating parties. In…

As Spain holds the rotating Presidency of the EU Council, it is currently defining a European strategy for the “Digital Agenda”. A draft document regarding what Spain calls the “Granada Strategy” reveals unacceptable orientations toward…

Paris, Feb. 22nd – 2010 – A document that could be the ACTA Internet chapter proposal from the US has leakedThe document “ACTA digital chapter”: