Victory! On 18 June 2020, after year-long struggle, the Constitutional Council has declared almost the entire law against online hate contrary to the Constitution. Beyond its decision, the Constitutional Council refuses the principle of censorship…

The fediverse (a blend made from “federation” and “universe”) is a group of social media consisting of a multitude of platforms and software, each of them communicating with the others using a common protocol. Mastodon…

The proposed bill from Laetitia Avia claims its ambition to make the “Conseil supérieur de l’audiovisuel” (CSA, French Superior Council of the Audiovisual) platforms’ supervisor in the fight against online hate speech. Actually, the law…

On Wednesday, April 17th, the European Parliament adopted on first reading the Regulation on online “terrorist content” censorship. By a very small majority, it refused to defend us against political censorship or to protect the…

Lanceurs d’alerte et protection des sources

(télécharger les propositions en pdf)

In 2011 and 2012, European citizens took to the streets to protest against secret negotiations of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) that threatened their fundamental freedoms. This led to a massive rejection of the agreement…

Ligue Odebi, Quadrature du Net, April, PS voire des voix du camp UMP…Tous estiment que le complément pénal de la loi Hadopi est inacceptable.

Les derniers rebondissements dans le reliquat du projet de loi Hadopi qui…